Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hot Chip - Made In The Dark

Thank you, all-inclusive press promo courtesy of teh internets.

Another winner from Hot Chip. First single Shake A Fist had me thinking that the crew would be moving further away from the space pop of Coming On Strong but the sound of Made In The Dark is just as much a departure from The Warning. The reverb guitar at the start of One Pure Thought threw me off until the keyboard melody kicked in. Their sense of humour is still there, but Hot Chip are slightly more serious this go round. My favourite part about the group is that they use a wide range of instruments and drumkits in their music. Their songs are rarely similar to each other, and as evidenced by the electric/acoustic versions of Boy From School they could probably play the songs 5 different ways and they'd still be great.

Anyway, what happened to that Fannypack group? I had a vague interest in them back in 2004 but they haven't really made waves since then. I might have to find that second album they released in 2005. One of the chicks is apparently in a band called Holy Hail.

Holy Hail - Born Of A Star

I don't hate it. In fact, I may even grow to love it.

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