Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Let's get this paper

So a good friend of mine suggested I start a blog to spew forth my own pretentious delusions regarding music.

I was going to put down my thoughts on Lupe's album but they dragged when I looked back on them. Here's a condensed version.

Lupe's an asshole with talent, kind of like Mos Def & Kanye West but without the commercial appeal those two arrogant pricks command. Food & Liquor was okay but boring (and was nowhere near the best albums list of 2006) and The Cool continues Lupe's tradition of self indulgent lite-hop, regardless of his obvious lyrical talents. Sometimes it works - the sly nod to Fiascogate that is Paris/Tokyo, the fantastic allusions to It Was Written in the form of Gotta Eat and Gold Watch and the concession to the pop-punk crowd by hooking up with that dude from Fallout Boy who's not-Pete Wentz (it turns out the fat guy can make a great Hip-Hop beat) but most of the other songs collapse under their own bullshit pretensions. Considering this and Lupe's first album, LupEND being his supposed last is both a blessing and a curse for us Hip-Hop fans. If it turns out to be the final album of this loose trilogy at least we'll be spared years of Lupe's self-serving shit (ala U2) and we'll be able to remember him for his sporadic talents. Unfortunately that's also the problem, because once you strip away the man's delusions of being a major label executive (and trust me, the 1st & 15th artists don't help The Cool at all) and a pompous twit, he really is talented. He just needs the discipline a talented executive producer can bring to the table, and neither Lupe nor his drug dealer bumchum Chilly have that discipline.

By the way, if you're really that close with Jay-Z & Kanye West just ask one of them to get Chris Martin into the studio with you. At least then you'll have a name you can attach to garbage singles like Superstar instead of talentless soundalike Matthew Santos. The man looks like a retarded version of that guy from Linkin Park (by the way, he's not on this album. I guess Linkin Park just aren't cool anymore) with Morrissey's old haircut. Get rid of him and stop playing businessman because there's no place for that bullshit in Hip-Hop anymore.

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